Just Hold On

Hello fellow fangirls and fanboys! I’m guessing that since you are reading this, you’re here to hear the up to the date news on the Fangirl Film Festival! Well then, if that’s so, then today is your lucky day!

As of this moment- as your eyeballs are scanning these letters- we are beginning the final stages of planning this festival that is One Small Step for fangirls, one giant step for Fandom kind!

Okay, in all realness, we are hard at work getting this festival set up so you all can participate and create the stories you want!

That Destiel kiss? Yes!

That one where Harry Styles fell in love? Of Course!

This festival is designed so you can make your wildest fandom dreams come true- well, that’s not totally true. But you know what I mean!

Before we can move much further, though, I need your help! Saving the world from demons? Sorta! Aliens? Eh kinda– Planet ZornGosh darn it! Listen! I need your help with our survey!

Survey? What kind of survey? Good question, you! The type of survey with questions that will help us run this festival efficiently! 

Where is it? I don’t have all day!

Geeze! Calm down! It’s just a bit lower! Hey buddy! My words are up here!

As I was saying-

 The survey is down below and should only take you a moment to answer! After that, you’re free to go back to reading dirty imagines.

Who me? Naw!

Don’t lie to me! I see you! Liam Payne, the pizza boy. Been there, trust me!

Is that it?

Yep! Have a good day!! (And don’t forget the survey!)

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